AGMs and Annual Reports
Annual General Meetings
The Association normally holds an Annual General Meeting along with the Annual Inter-District 8-bell Striking Competition during May, with each District taking it in turn to host the meetings. Information on past AGMs is available.
In addition, each District normally holds an Annual District Meeting during January.
Annual Report
The Association publishes a report each year that lists members of the Association, the towers within the Ely Diocese and their tower correspondents, the names and addresses of Association and District Officers, a copy of the Accounts of the Association and the Independent Examiner's, the subscription rates and peal fees of the Association, the Rules of the Association, reports of Association Officers, and reports on peals and quarter-peals rung for the Association.
Each member of the Association is entitled to a copy of the report. This is normally distributed electronically in PDF form, but members may elect to receive a printed copy if the wish - members requiring a printed copy should let their District Secretary know. All Association towers with at least one ringing member will also receive a printed copy of the report.
Members of the Association can access electronic copies of recent Annual Reports from "Members page" section of their "Your membership" page in the membership management system. Members can also elect to receive a printed copy of the Report from the data we hold about them.
There is a record of corrections to previous Annual Reports.