Reports and Photos
Visit of Stretham Cubs, May 2017
The REC and the local band enjoyed welcoming the Stretham Cubs this evening (24/05/2017) to experience bellringing - ringing handbells and the dumbbell and doing a bell ringing wordsearch. The Cubs were delightful children and a credit to their parents and leaders.
Official opening of the Stretham REC
Local historian Mike Petty officially opened the Stretham Ringing Education Centre on Saturday 15th August 2015.
The occasion was celebrated with speeches, handbells and cake. Thanks to Geoff Grayton for the photos (click on a photo to see a larger version).
Mike Petty cutting the ribbon
A handbell fanfare for the new Stretham REC
Mike Petty cutting the cake
Stretham REC Doubles
On Saturday 1st August 2015, what is believed to be the first quarter peal in the variation Stretham REC Doubles was rung at the Ringing Education Centre. Stretham REC Doubles is Reverse Bob Doubles with a plain lead of New Grandsire as the bob. The grid is here.
Ely Diocesan Association
Stretham, Cambridgeshire St James (Ringing Education Centre)
Saturday, 1 August 2015 in 45m (9-2-21)
1260 Stretham REC Doubles
1 Alan Winter
2 Nicholas Small
3 Dee F Smith
4 Barbara Le Gallez
5 Lesley H M Boyle
6 Peter Binns
Jointly conducted: 2-6 called two extents each and 1 called the 60 at the end.
Phil Bailey could not ring but wishes to be associated with this quarter.
With thanks to Peter Hinton for method advice.
For a short sound clip, recorded by Alan Winter, click Play on the control.

Stretham REC Open Day
Twenty-three ringers from all four districts were present at the Open Day at Stretham Ringing Education Centre on Sat 25th July 2015. They test-drove the new simulator, with methods rung ranging from rounds to Stedman Cinques. They tried out simulator programs and listening exercises sitting at a computer. They rang handbells. And they enjoyed a few ringing novelties – see below: