Recruitment and Training
Sub-committee (RATS)

The Recruitment and Training Subcommittee (RATS) was set up in February 2014 to give focus to recruitment and training of ringers within the Ely Diocese.

The Recruitment and Training Subcommittee has responsibility for the Stretham REC and the Ely DA Young Ringers.

The RATS decides on expenditure from the Ely DA’s Recruitment and Training Fund (RATF), which is used for financing recruitment, training and promotional activities in the Ely DA area.

The RATS terms of reference are defined in Regulation 5a of the Ely DA Rules and Regulations.

There is a separate email address for the subcommittee:

The Recruitment and Training Subcommittee aims to include a broad representation of the whole Association in its members. Anyone interested in joining the subcommittee should contact them via The current membership (summer 2023) is as follows: