Ely DA Young Ringers

Click here to go to the full Young Ringers' website!

Ely DA has a thriving Young Ringers group (AKA 'The Fen Tigers') and it is rapidly growing in numbers  and experience! 

Young ringers aged 18 and under are welcome to attend any of the practices. These are advertised on the Ely DA calendar, or on the Young Ringers' website here.

We aim to learn ringing techniques and improve our skills, meet other young ringers, and most importantly, have fun!

Recent practice themes have been improved bell control using games, listening and striking (especially in the run up to the national Ringing World Young Ringers' Competition), and 'kids in control', ie calling stand, keeping things right, being critical of the striking, and calling plain courses or touches. But we also welcome young ringers who have just started their ringing adventure and may only be confident ringing one stroke. We'll look after them!

For more details and recent news, please go to our sub-site here or to our Facebook page.