Membership Management

The Association uses for online membership management. There is a slideshow containing more information about the system and how it works.

As a member, you can sign-in to manage and renew your ElyDA membership online, pay fees, and provide or update contact details via the Your Membership page. You do not need a password to login, but you do need to know the exact email address we have registered for you. If your don't know what this is or it is not recognised, then contact your District Membership Secretary - please don't fill in the application form again

If you are not a member but would like to join then see the Join Us page.

See Data Held for information about the data that we hold and what we do with it.

If you don't want to interact with the on-line system, or don't have an email address, then please contact your District Membership Secretary with membership queries.

A few people manage membership accounts for more than one member (parents for children, wife/husband for husband/wife, etc.). See Managing Other Members for more information on how this works.

Subscriptions are due on 1 January each year and can be renewed from  the previous 1 December. We send email renewal reminders from the beginning of December with last at the end of January - these contain a link that will take you directly to the renewal form. Or you can sign-in to your Your Membership page where you wil lsee a 'Renew' button if you subscription needs to be renewed.

You can pay on-line by card, or by cash or cheque.  We encourage on-line payments if possible as it greatly reduces the administrative burden on our volunteer administrators, but you can pay through your District Membership Secretary if you wish. Where arrangements already exist, payments can be made by your Tower or Church.

If your subscription becomes more that a year overdue we will assume you have resigned.

membermojo provides email lists for communicating with members. Members are automatically subscribed to appropriate lists but you can unsubscribe from them (or subscribe to other lists) at any time via the My details section of the Your Membership page.

For help and advice about the system sytem please contact your District Membership Secretary or email

Operation of the system is described in the Ely DA Membership Management Manual. While intended for District Membership Secretaries, the informatio it contains is available to anyone.