QP Day 2011
Association Quarter Peal Afternoon – Saturday 29th October 2011
On a pleasant autumnal afternoon over 25 ringers met at different towers to ring quarter peals as part of the annual Ely Diocesan event. All four were scored and the ringers headed to Oakington for tea. Everyone agreed it was nice to sit and talk with ringers from other districts whilst eating and drinking the much needed cups of tea. Following a successful business meeting the ringers set off for the evening’s attempts. Sadly only two were scored, but those that were lost had some good ringing. Our thanks go to the incumbents for the use of their bells and to Ely District for the organisation.
Dee Smith
Burwell, St Mary the Blessed Virgin 1260 Grandsire Triples Jane Hough 1, Richard Hough 2, Jackie Latham 3, Felicity Webster 4, Geoffrey Reed 5, Tom Ridgman 6, Phillip George (C) 7, Sheila George 8. First in method: 3.
Cottenham, All Saints 1260 All Saints Doubles Gerald Walker 1, Roger Boysen 2, Steve Howie 3, Simon Wilson 4, Kit Kilgor (C) 5, Pete Brown 6.
Fordham, St Peter and St Mary Magdalene 1260 Plain Bob Triples (46 mins) Rosemary J Palmer 1, Christopher L Bell 2, Roger J Palmer 3, Stephen J Setter 4, Raymond A Clist 5, Colin J Macdonald 6, Phillip J Wilding (C) 7, Peter L Binns 8. First Plain Bob Triples: 6. First on eight: 8.
Haddenham, The Holy and Undivided Trinity 1260 Mixed Doubles (2m and 2v: Plain Bob, Reverse Canterbury, Kennington Bob and Southrepps Bob) Colin Johnson 1, James Hayden 2, Sue Marsden 3, Edie Robinson (C) 4, Iain Hayden 5, Andy Marshall 6. Most methods: 2 Remembering Jimmy Saville.
Oakington, St Andrew 1260 St Clements Minor Sheila Titmarsh 1, Marion Robinson 2, Geoff Grayton 3, Tom Ridgman 4, Janet Garnett (C) 5, Peter Hinton 6.
Over, St Mary the Virgin 1260 Plain Bob Triples Sheila Titmarsh 1, Andy Marshall 2, John Causer 3, Marion Robinson 4, Geoff Grayton 5, Janet Garnett 6, Edie Robinson (C) 7, Roderick Johnstone 8.
Willingham, St Mary and All Saints 1260 Plain Bob Minor (45 mins) Colin Johnson 1, James Hayden 2, Sue Marsden 3, Anne Bridge 4, Gerard Chadwick 5, Iain Hayden (C) 6.