Association Officers and other Representatives

Association Officers

The list of Association Officers appears in the Association Rules, as do the procedures for electing them.  Information on the duties of the various officers appears in the Association Regulations.

Email addresses on this page are modified to protect against automatic scanning. To send an email to an Association Officer, replace _at_ with @. Officer reports for each year, printed in the Annual Report, are available here.

Many of these officers are members of the General Committee or of one or more of its sub-committees.

(dates of first election appear in brackets)

Patron : The Lord Bishop of Ely
The Diocesan Office, Barton Road,  Ely, CB7 4DX
01353 663579

Chairman: Bob Cox (2022)
07485 515284

Secretary: J Ann Seaman (2021)
51 Cambridge Road, Great Shelford, Cambridge CB22 5JJ
01223 504682 / 07710 452647

Ringing Master: Alban Forster (2018)
07906 478767

Peal Secretary: Nicholas A  Elks  (2024)

Quarter Peal  Secretary: Ian Hamilton (2017)
07913 914833

Treasurer: Shirley Warbrick  (2023)
55 Babraham Road, Sawston, Cambridge, CB22 3DQ
01223 837225

Recruitment and Training Officer: Dee Smith  (2019)
01638 615423

Public Relations Officer: JoAnne Rutter (2021)
01480 494449 / 07710 326348

Bell Adviser: Geoff Burn (2022)
07768 022670

Safeguarding Officer: Shirley Warbrick  (2021)
01223 837225

Webmaster: Jon Warbrick  (2023)
01223 837225

General Committee

The General Committee is made up of various of the officers. It's role is to administer and guide the Association.


The General Committee is assisted in it's work by a number of sub-committees.

Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Representatives

The Ely DA sends four representatives to the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers. These representatives are officers of the Association. One of these representatives sits on the General Committee.

Bell Restoration Fund trustees

The Bell Restoration Fund of the Ely DA is a separate organisation with its own trustees

Independent Examiner

The Independent Examiner is elected by the AGM to examine the Association's accounts annually and report to the AGM. The Independent Examiner may not hold office on the General Committee nor be a trustee of the Bell Restoration Fund.

Independent Examiner:  Nicholas T Smith, 07775 586235,

Honorary members

Any ringing member or other person who has given exceptional service and furthered the objectives of the Association may be elected to the office of Honorary Member (see Rules of the Ely DA, rule 3d).

The Honorary Members of the Ely DA are: Barry C Bass, George E Bonham, Catherina E Griffiths, Roger J Palmer and Thomas W Ridgman.

Past Officers of the Association

Details of the past General Secretaries, Peal Secretaries and Treasurers.