Association Regulations
The current regulations, which supplement the rules of the Association, were last updated in December 2024 to take account of the the rule change approved at the Association AGM on 4 April 2024 at Swavesey to abolish the Association Peal Fee (previously payable by ringers of peals rung for the Association) from 2025.
Previous versions:
Regulations as amended in July 2024 to introduce the concept of 'Reserved Business' in respect of General Committee discussions.
Regulations as amended in July 2023 to correct Sec. 2j for an oversight in the earlier change to the chairmanship of the Administration Committee.
Regulations as amended in July 2021:
Sec. 2c: remove Bell Advisor as a Bell Fund Trustee
Sec 2j: Treasurer to "reimburse in full or part" expenses, rather than "contribute to"
Correct numbering of Sec. 5 onwards
Sec 5d: chair of the Administration Committee to be "appointed from the members of the subcommittee", rather than fixed as the Treasurer.
Regulations as amended February 2020: changes to the Terms of Reference of the Bell Maintenance and Repair Sub-committee
Regulations as originally adopted at the AGM on Saturday 13th May 2017.
Issue 0724
The Association Regulations detail some administrative and management processes of the Association which define the structure of committees and roles of the Association Officers, and which can be reviewed and amended by the General Committee without reference to members of the Association.
a) Chair
The Chair shall preside over the business meetings of the Association, Bell Restoration Fund (BRF) and General Committee.
b) General Secretary
The General Secretary shall liaise with the Chairman to arrange, prepare agendas for and publicise any meetings of the Association, including the Annual General Meeting, any extra-ordinary General Meetings, General Committee meetings and BRF Trustees meetings. The General Secretary shall also deal with correspondence and be responsible for recording and publishing the minutes of such meetings, expediting matters outstanding and executing the decisions thereof.
The General Secretary shall also receive approved and signed minutes of all Sub-committee meetings, which shall be regarded as part of the Association’s official records.
c) Bell Fund Trustees
The Bell Fund Trustees are governed by the Charities Act and have particular legal responsibilities for management and disbursement of funds.
The Trustees are:
The Association Chairman
The Association Treasurer
The General Secretary
One elected representative from each District.
The elected representatives of each District are not officers of the Association.
The Bell Fund Trustees shall advise the General Committee on applications for grants and recommend funding from the Bell Restoration Fund.
d) Ringing Master
The Ringing Master is responsible for organizing and coordinating ringing for national and Association events; organizing competition teams (such as the Ridgman Trophy); promoting EDA-wide events such as 10-bell ringing, handbell ringing, Association peal or quarter peal weeks and supporting individual districts in their ringing goals.
The Ringing Master shall be Chair of the Ringing Sub-committee.
e) Recruitment and Training Officer
The Recruitment and Training Officer shall be the chairman of the Recruitment and Training Sub-committee and shall liaise with the General Committee and members to promote the use of the Association Training Centre(s) and inform them of developments and progress in training and recruitment activities.
f) Public Relations Officer
The Public Relations Officer shall act as a resource to members by helping and advising on the promotion of bell ringing to non-ringing church members and the public at large.
g) Peal Secretary
The Peal Secretary shall receive and record the peals rung for the Association, and submit a report annually to the General Committee.
h) Quarter Peal Secretary
The Quarter Peal Secretary shall collate details of quarter peals rung within the geographical area of the Association, and submit a report annually to the General Committee.
i) Central Council Representatives
The Central Council Representatives shall attend and represent the Association at meetings of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR) and take motions to it, and report on the meetings of the CCCBR to the Association in an appropriate manner. The Central Council Representatives should elect one of their number to serve as their delegate on the General Committee.
j) Treasurer (Technical Officer)
The Treasurer shall receive monies on behalf of the Association, be responsible for the finances of the Association General Account and Bell Restoration Fund, and shall prepare annually an income and expenditure account and a balance sheet. The Treasurer is responsible for organizing the insurance for the Association.
The Treasurer shall reimburse in full or in part the costs incurred by members in carrying out their duties on behalf of the Association, as agreed annually by the General Committee, to include, but not limited to:
i). Administrative costs incurred by District Secretaries.
ii). Amounts authorized to Central Council Representatives for attending Central Council Meetings.
k) Bell Adviser (Technical Office)
The Bell Adviser shall be Chair of the Bell Maintenance and Repair Sub-committee; shall be available for support and consultation by Incumbents and tower captains; shall liaise with the Diocesan Bell Adviser; shall counsel on bell projects; and shall advise the Trustees of the Bell Restoration Fund about proposed schemes.
l) Webmaster (Technical Office)
The Webmaster shall maintain the website for the Association to provide accessible and up-to-date information about ringing activities throughout the Diocese. District Secretaries and Association Officers shall supply current information to the Webmaster, so that the website may include, (either directly or via links to other websites), the ringing programmes for the Association and Districts, the names and contact details of Association and District Officers, the subscription rates of the Association, Rules and Regulations of the Association and the Bell Restoration Fund, a list of towers within the Diocese of Ely with their ringing times, contact details for the tower correspondents and any other information agreed upon by the General Committee.
m) Safeguarding Officer (Technical Office)
The Safeguarding Officer shall be familiar with legislation regarding safeguarding, and issues around safeguarding and abuse; act as a resource to Association and District Officers to aid compliance to the Safeguarding Policy; provide a copy of the policy and any relevant procedures and guidelines to District Secretaries for dissemination to District Officers and Tower Captains; ensure that any concerns of inappropriate behavior are reported to the relevant authorities, including the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser in the Diocese of Ely; review the Policy annually to ensure compliance with relevant legislation; maintain appropriate records where necessary; act with discretion and confidentiality when handling personal information and data.
The General Committee shall receive reports from the sub-committees and technical officers and shall be responsible for communicating its discussions, decisions and proposals to members of the Association.
The General Committee has specific responsibility for:
i) Deciding the amount of each type of subscription, and the proportion paid to different Association Accounts.
ii) Ensuring that the duties of Officers are current and available to Ringing Members who are interested in holding office.
iii) Giving due notice of forthcoming vacancies in Association Offices.
iv) Recommending action to be taken in the event of any disputes regarding the validity of peals, or membership.
v) Changes in the rules of the Association striking competition(s)
vi) Voting on matters advised by the sub-committees.
vii) Reviewing the conduct of members as stated in Rule 3g.
On the advice of the Administration Committee the Chairman may declare items to be ‘reserved business’ where the item is business confidential, relates to named, or identifiable, individuals or commercial in confidence. In which case the documentation considered and minutes of the discussion are restricted in circulation.
a) President
The District President shall normally chair and preside over the business meetings of the District.
b) Secretary
The District Secretary shall liaise with the District President and the Association General Secretary. The District Secretary shall be responsible for the day to day running of the District and shall deal with correspondence, recording and publishing the minutes of meetings, maintaining accurate membership records, expediting matters outstanding and executing the decisions of the District Committee.
c) Association General Committee Representative
The Association General Committee Representative shall represent Ringing Members of their District by attending and voting at meetings of the General Committee.
d) Ringing Master(s)
The District Ringing Master(s) shall organize the ringing whenever the District meets to ring, and endeavor to visit practices and promote the improvement of ringing, and encourage participation in District and Association activities.
e) Bell Adviser
The District Bell Adviser shall periodically inspect and advise on maintenance of bells and towers in the District, shall support the Association Bell Adviser in his work, and shall be a member of the Bells Sub-committee.
a) Recruitment and Training Sub-committee
Chair: Recruitment and Training Officer
Responsible to: The Ely DA General Committee
Purpose: To develop the Ely DA’s recruitment and training strategy to ensure the provision of high-quality, up-to-date training. To co-ordinate, support and/or lead recruitment and training activities within the Ely DA area.
Authority: Provides recommendations to the Ely DA General Committee. Decides on expenditure from the Ely DA’s Recruitment and Training Fund (RATF). Receives reports from, and advises, anyone organizing Ely DA-sponsored initiatives for young ringers.
Receives reports from, and advises, the management of Ely DA ringing education centres (RECs). Receives reports from, and advises, anyone organizing Ely DA-sponsored ITTS training.
Meetings: The Sub-committee will meet approximately bi-monthly.
Reporting: The Sub-committee will file a written report, including any recommendations for action, for distribution to members of the Ely DA General Committee at least two weeks prior to their bi-annual statutory meetings, and will provide a representative (usually the Chair) to attend such General Committee meetings.
Composition: The Sub-committee will include, ex officio, the Association Recruitment and Training Officer (Chair) and up to 7 other members appointed by the General Committee, one of whom will act as secretary. These members should be representative of the several Districts. One of these members should represent the interests of Ely DA young ringers. One of these members should represent Ely DA Ringing Education Centres (RECs). A quorum shall be 3 members. Proposals put before a meeting shall be decided upon by a majority of members present. The Sub-committee- may co-opt any Ringing Member of the Association on a temporary basis in order to carry out its work.
Specific Responsibility: To administer and raise money for the RATF, which is used for financing recruitment, training and promotional activities in the Ely DA area. To promote the provision of RECs and to support and advise RECs when set up. To support and oversee those organizing activities for young ringers. To support those organizing recruitment and training events. To encourage the use of recognized training systems (such as ART’s ITTS and LtR). To maintain and provide recruitment resources (e.g. the mobile bell).
b) Ringing Sub-committee
Chair: The Association Ringing Master
Responsible to: The Ely DA General Committee
Purpose: To co-ordinate ringing for national and EDA events, to organize competition teams (such as the Ridgman Trophy), to promote the EDA-wide activities including 10 and 12 bell ringing, handbell ringing, peal or quarter peal weeks, and to support individual districts and members in their ringing goals. To decide if peals are to be accepted by the Association if there is a question of eligibility. To write and review rules for Association Striking Competitions.
Meetings: The Sub-committee will meet on an ad-hoc basis as required to carry out its functions. The meetings may be face-to-face or virtual meetings. The chair will call meetings as needed.
Reporting: The Sub-committee will file a written report, including any recommendations for action, for distribution to members of the General Committee at least two weeks prior to their bi-annual statutory meetings, and will provide a representative (usually the Chair) to attend such General Committee meetings.
Composition: Peal Secretary, Quarter Peal Secretary, District Ringing Masters
c) Bell Maintenance and Repair Sub-committee
Chair: The Ely DA Bell Adviser
Responsible to: The Ely DA General Committee
Purpose: To promote the maintenance of church bells and bell installations within the Diocese of Ely by:
i) Large Projects – To advise the Bell Fund Trustees, and other bodies, on the
technical issues associated with projects submitted for funding and ensure the
work has been carried out satisfactorily before release of funds.
ii) EDA Towers with active bands – Identify, train and encourage steeple keepers.
iii) Towers used by the EDA with no active band – inspect and maintain.
iv) Inactive towers – Periodic inspection and preservation
Authority: Provides recommendations to the General Committee, District Committees and the Bell Restoration Fund Trustees. Will speak on behalf of the Association to Parochial Church Councils, the Diocesan Advisory Committee and commercial firms on matters concerned with bell repair.
Meetings: The Sub-committee will meet on an ad-hoc basis as required to carry out its functions. The meetings may be face-to-face or virtual meetings. The chair will call meetings as needed.
Reporting: The Sub-committee will file a written report, including any recommendations for action, for distribution to members of the General Committee at least two weeks prior to their bi-annual statutory meetings, and will provide a representative (usually the Chair) to attend such General Committee meetings.
Composition: The Sub-committee will include the Association Bell Adviser (the Chair), each District Bell Adviser and a representative of Huntingdonshire Bell Restoration Society. The Sub-committee may co-opt any Ringing Member of the Association on a temporary basis in order to carry out its work.
d) Administration Sub-committee
Purpose: To oversee and coordinate the administrative and communication functions of the General Committee, including membership, financial and charitable documentation, insurance, record keeping, reporting, archives, and digital communication. To propose to the General Committee the amounts for subscriptions and division of monies between Association Accounts.
Chair: appointed from the members of the subcommittee
Responsible to: Ely DA General Committee
Authority: Provides recommendations to the General Committee, delegates administrative and communication tasks not specifically allocated in the Association Rules or Regulations amongst Sub-committee members as needed.
Meetings: The Sub-committee will meet on an ad-hoc basis as required to carry out its functions. The meetings may be face-to-face or virtual meetings. The Chair will call meetings as needed.
Reporting: The Sub-committee will file a written report, including any recommendations for action, for distribution to members of the General Committee at least two weeks prior to their bi-annual statutory meetings, and will provide a representative (usually the Chair) to attend such General Committee meetings.
Composition: The Sub-committee will include the Treasurer, the General Secretary, the Webmaster and the Annual Report Editor. The Sub-committee may co-opt any member of the Association on a temporary basis.
The Public Relations Officer and the Safeguarding Officer have Association-wide responsibility and will be ex officio members of the General Committee. They are not required to sit on any of the sub-committees. However, the Chair of any of the sub-committees may ask them to attend a meeting if there is a special need.
a) The Annual Report Editor shall include in the Report the following information for the previous calendar year:
i) A list of members of the Association and their date of joining.
ii) The names and addresses of Association and District Officers.
iii) A copy of the Accounts of the Association and the Independent Examiner's reports.
iv) The subscription rates of the Association.
v) Rules of the Association.
vi) The annual reports from the General Secretary, Treasurer, Ringing Master, Recruitment & Training Officer, Bell Adviser, Publicity Officer, Peal Secretary, Webmaster, Safeguarding Officer, Quarter Peal Secretary, Trustees of the Bell Restoration Fund, District Secretaries and Representative of the Central Council Reps.
vii) Details of the peals rung for the Association.
viii) A report of quarter peals rung.
ix) A list of towers within the Ely Diocese and their tower correspondents.
b) These items may be varied by the General Committee.
The Association takes the privacy of its members very seriously and has a privacy policy which is available on the website. The Association holds some data about its members. The primary purpose of keeping this data is to publish membership details in the annual report and provide a method of contacting members if necessary. The officers of the Ely DA will take all reasonable steps to ensure that private data held about its members, such as the tower lists contained in the annual report, remain private, and the Association will never share members’ personal information with any other organisation or mailing list. In the event that external companies are used to process information, one of the Association Officers will have checked that they have a suitable privacy policy of their own.
Some members will become tower correspondents or officers of the Association. Contact details for members holding those positions will be released to the public domain. However, there is no requirement that these details are the same as those held on record by the Ely DA; for example, a generic email address can be used which is redirected to the relevant individual.
The Ely DA requires that all peals rung for the Association are sent for publication in the Ringing World and the Association may check such performances against its membership data.
If required, the General Secretary can provide a member with full details of the data held about them.
The Association has a safeguarding policy which is communicated to all members via District Secretaries and which is available on the website.
The Safeguarding Officer works with and acts as a resource for ringers to maintain awareness of safeguarding issues, and liaises with the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer to receive advice and instruction on dissemination of information.