Association Facebook Page

The Association Facebook page can be found at Please 'follow' the page to keep in touch with association events and news.

Page Guidelines

Our facebook page is used for announcements of, and reports about, Association, Districts and RATS (incl. Young Ringers) events.  The aim is to, at least, announce events so that those monitoring the page will know what’s happening, but to have no more than about 24 postings a month (so 4 for each District, 4 for the Association, 4 for RATS) to avoid overload. This page (unlike most Facebook Groups) is visible to the public - it is important to be careful with content of postings and any associated photographs which must not include children without the permission of their parent or guardian. We expect the Facebook Community Standards to be applied.

Access to the Facebook group is managed by the Association Webmaster ( Posting access can be made available to Association and District officers and others involved in Association publicity and events on request. Inappropriate posts may be removed. Posting access may be removed following persistent misuse. Such decisions may be appealed to a group consisting of the Association Chair, the Webmaster, and the Public Relations Officer.